He’s everyone’s favorite foul-tempered fowl with a literally destructive temper. Who gets stuck with all the bad luck? No one but Donald Duck. Donald is nearly as famous and well-known as Mickey Mouse himself, but perhaps not as happy-go-lucky as his rodent counterpart. On the contrary, Donald has actually a bit of a checkered history.

There are dozens of cartoons and episodes where Donald and/or his famous temper cause some massive damage. We know what you’re thinking. “In a Disney cartoon? No way.” Well, we’ve got ten examples that show just how far on the dark side Donald is willing to go.

Crashing Mickey’s Magic Act

In Mickey’s Magic Act, Mickey Mouse takes up a magician’s cape and top-hat for an orphan’s benefit show, performing various acts of prestidigitation to the delight of his audience and the viewers. Unfortunately for our magical mouse, Donald is in the audience as well, and he’s not having it.

Donald proceeds to relentlessly heckle Mickey from his theater box, but soon gets pulled into the act. After a few tricks and laughs at Donald’s expense. He snatches a loaded (but magical) revolver and opens fire on stage! What results is a fireworks display that literally brings down the house.

Robbing Bees of their Honey

If you thought Pooh Bear had some wild ideas about getting honey from bees, you’ve clearly not been watching enough Donald Duck cartoons. There is literally an entire compilation involving Donald Duck and a little character named Spike the Bee, in which Donald tries various schemes to get Spike’s sweet supply.

From siphoning out the honey with a hose to distracting the bees with a “clever” disguise, no scheme is too grand to discourage Donald from grabbing a pint of honey for his flapjacks. He’s put little Spike through the wringer on multiple occasions and hasn’t lost a wink of sleep over it, though has gotten stung a few times.

Destroyed a Christmas Display in a Fit of Rage

The holidays can be stressful to even the calmest and most collected individuals. But when an incessant repeat of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” bombards the guy in Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas, he gets more than a little tense on his quest for some hot chocolate.

While trying to find a place to escape the dreaded tune and enjoy his cocoa, Donald mistakenly locks himself into Mousy’s Christmas display window and activates the animatronic acid trip. This pushes him over the edge and sends him into violent hysterics. When the window opens, he’s seen clobbering Santa in front of a large audience. Not exactly the most flattering image, Donald.

Pranking His Nephews on Halloween

Think about this for a second. If someone put lit firecrackers in your kid’s trick-or-treat bag, then drenched them with cold water, you’d probably call the police, right? That’s a pretty rotten thing to do. But when Donald Duck does it to Huey, Dewey, and Louie in Trick or Treat, no one bats an eye.

This is a pretty dastardly deed, even for Donald Duck, but we’re willing to let it slide simply because he gets his comeuppance at the end of the short. That being said, we can’t just let this act of trick-or-treat terrorizing off of the list.

Sleighing a Snowman

If trashing his nephews’ Halloween wasn’t bad enough, he has to ruin their winter fun too. Donald might be uncle to Huey, Dewey, and Louie, but most of the time his thrills come from bullying his nephews, including running his sled into their freshly built snowman. That’s some schoolyard-level antagonizing right there.

Thankfully, the boys get him back by building a snowman caricature of Donald with a rock in the center to cease his sleighing, but that only results in an all-out snowball war. Needless to say, Donald fights dirty. At least his nephews are just as skilled at dishing out the slapstick.

Stealing Mickey’s Sorcerer Hat

Ok, how touched in the head do you have to be to steal the Disney universe equivalent of the Infinity Gauntlet? Let’s face it, some of Donald’s choices haven’t exactly been Nobel Prize-worthy. In Mickey’s Philharmagic at Walt Disney World, Mickey conducts the Philharmagic Orchestra with help of his magic hat, but someone always has to steal the spotlight.

When Donald assembles the orchestra, he thinks he can play wizard and lead them like Mickey, but when the instruments turn on him, a chaotic musical adventure ensues. Our demented duck soon learns his lesson as the attraction ends. Long story short, no one messes with the mouse.

Looting a Piggy Bank

Once again, we find Donald committing a crime at his nephews’ expense. The only difference this time around is that a literal crime is being committed, petty theft. In Donald’s Crime, our duck in question finds himself strapped for cash before a big date with Daisy. So what does he do? He loots his nephews’ piggy bank.

That’s right. Donald Duck literally steals money from kids. His own family, mind you. This is definitely a new low on our list, it’s a downright dirty thing to do. Fortunately, Donald’s got one heck of an inner monologue to steer things right.

Destroying Daisy’s House

At the beginning of Cured Duck, we see Donald Duck through his most destructive and rage-fueled temper yet. The guy throws a tantrum that would make Kylo Ren blush with shame, totally wrecking Daisy’s living room when he can’t open a window. He blindly crashes everything from the furniture to the icebox with hurricane-force destruction.

It drives his steady gal to threaten to break up with him to get him to do something about his temper, but at least Donald takes action in this animated outing. After some relentless abuse from an insult machine to train his temper, he returns to her with a cool head. Watch the short to see how long that lasts.

Attempted Murder of a Cow

Fun and Fancy Free presents perhaps the most terrifyingly desperate we’ve ever seen Donald Duck become. He’s a deadly force when he’s angry, but when he’s hangry… he’s an atomic bomb! We’ve seen Donald do some rather despicable things, but this is the first time we see him try to commit murder.

When Mickey, Goofy, and Donald are cast in the roles of starving peasants, Donald gets the idea to take a hatchet off the wall and go after the cow. Before you know it, Donald goes from maniacally quacking to “Heeeeeere’s Donny!” Definitely the freakiest light we’ve ever seen him in.

Driving a Toon to Erase Himself

For the record, we’ve seen Donald steal from his nephews, destroy his girlfriend’s house, and attempt to hack a cow up into hamburger. That’s all pretty gruesome and grim, but in Disney’s House of Mouse, Donald’s temper forces a black-and-white cartoon character to (temporarily) commit suicide.

After Dennis the Duck pelts him with one too many sandwiches, Donald loses his cool and lets him have it. His rage drives Dennis to the prop storage where he attempts to erase himself with a giant pencil. Though this is all for visual gags, isn’t this the equivalent of cartoon suicide, literally rubbing oneself out? That’s pretty dark in our book, Disney.