In passing I figured some may be interested in this ten-point list over at FutureMedica (“The future of healthcare and biotechnology”) which tells us all about ten different ways in which the iPad is changing healthcare. The list pretty much underlines how the iPad is taking a chunk out of the tablet/netbook market. It is also offering a much more user-focused way in which to navigate tasks you may once have engaged in using a notebook. Take a look at the collection to find out about apps to help predict the risk of heart surgery, networked devices to assist in medical records; solutions for home doctor visits… Want more? Sure there’s more. iPads are also seeing service as: Patient consultation devices; money-saving for hospitals; paperless doctor’s practices; tools for people with diminished motor skills; info apps for patients; X-ray image checking; patient monitoring and health education. Oh, and the video up above (which could do with improving)? It shows iTriage, a free mobile healthcare app which lets you look up your symptoms, find diseases and medical procedures. Quite a lot there, huh? Certainly with so many flexible and useful uses it fully explains just how come Gartner and IDC don’t count the iPad as a PC sale (that’s a position those firms shouldn’t even attempt to maintain). After all, where healthcare goes, the enterprise is bound to follow…