The question now is how do you shop for groceries without biting into your savings? The solution lies in self-control and financial planning. Your expenses must be structured and you must be willing to adhere to that structure. 

These are 10 tips you can use to help you save as you shop;

1. Write stuff down

Preparing a list before you go shopping can be a real lifesaver. It streamlines your focus on what you’re shopping for and reduces the tendency to get distracted by other items. However, make sure your list has the things that are most important on your scale of preference, not things that you want on a whim. Go for “needs”, nor “wants”, even though a lot of people tend to convince themselves that these two are the same.

2. Don’t carry excess “extra money”

Prices aren’t constant so the best one can do is create a list that works with expected price ranges of products, carry some miscellaneous cash, and hit the stores. What should be avoided is carrying miscellaneous cash that would be enough to aid impulse buying.

3. Ignore trendy products 

It’s not new to want to identify with the big girls and boys by buying products endorsed by socialites and social media. It’s not new, but it’s not advisable. If you plan on saving anything at all, you’d close your eyes and your purse…or bank cards to the big labels and trendy products. You don’t have to use them because others are or because a celebrity does. It’s a different matter if you have the financial buoyancy to afford to buy a trendy product but if you know you don’t, look away.

Working with what’s on your budget will save you a ton of embarrassment in the long run.

4. Check the prices

Make sure you surf all areas on the value of anything you want to buy. Check the open market, malls, and online stores if you must. Compare the price range and quality, bearing in mind that the most expensive may not always be original and the cheapest may not always be fake. It’s a great way to boycott going beyond your pocket. 

5. Steer clear of impulse buying 

It’s not in your budget? Then don’t even look at it.

No matter how inviting it looks or how much you think you’d like to have it, if you didn’t plan for it, if it’s not in your budget, LEAVE IT! Impulse buying is a big drainage pipe in the financial tanks of grocery shoppers, and shoppers in general. What makes it hard to deal with is the fact that you end up convincing yourself that whatever it is that you want to buy is necessary and will be needed later on. 

Dealing with and overcoming this requires a certain amount of self-discipline. One can even hold as far as taking a friend who’s conscious of saving money to keep them in check.

6. Say no 

You may run into vendors offering you a great deal on certain products. You are under no entertain them or take those deals. Some of them might go as far as trying to buy into your conscience by making you feel you’d be doing a nice thing by patronizing them. Don’t ever fall for it. Stick to what you went shopping for and block them all out. 

7. Check expiry dates 

It helps to prevent waste and frequent shopping. When you go to get groceries, look for products with expiry dates that are still far off. This works better with non-perishable products that can last a long period of time.

8. Buy in bulk 

Checking the expiry dates of products helps you know which products to stock up on. If they’re not perishable goods, buy in bulk and store them in good conditions. That way, you reduce the rate at which you shop and save more money. Bulk buying is a good way to cut back on shopping expenses and have enough to last for a long time. Two birds, less money.

9. Know the seasons 

If you’re shopping to cook, or shopping for fruits, keep track of the planting and harvesting seasons. Yes, it does sound like a lot of work but it is essential if you’re out to get things at a normal price rate. Shopping in season is cheaper than shopping out of season. When there is a high supply, prices are fair and on the level ground almost everywhere. 

You don’t really have to keep strict tabs on everything. Just observe when products are easily available everywhere and when they aren’t. That way you can get enough at normal price ranges and save more money. 

10. Avoid “shopping therapy”

Good mood or not, the shopping therapy mindset is a huge money drainage pipe masked as a reward or relief for a certain state of mind. That mentality of raiding stores to make one feel better should be dropped…except if you do have enough to go on a spree, then, by all means, enjoy yourself. 

However, if you’re on a tight income flow and you don’t want to be broke all the time, try not to engage in retail therapy (whether clothes or food). 


There are many more tricks, some of which people don’t even realize are very effective like ;

• Shopping alone to avoid going off your budget. Don’t shop with kids or friends that you know don’t have control. 

• Shopping after you’ve eaten properly because when you shop hungry, everything looks tasty and feels like a good idea.

• Taking advantage of promos, Black Friday, and other discount sales because who doesn’t like spending less to get more?