Full House is a family show of the 80s and 90s known for its lovable characters and their quirky catchphrases. In the eight seasons that the show ran for, it racked up almost 200 episodes, each dealing with a new problem faced by different members of the house.

While Full House was often light and cheery, there were several times when things got a bit more serious on set. From peer pressure among friends to big changes in life, the show featured several darker issues, and they were all handled with grace. Here are ten difficult subjects that Full House taught us about:


There’s been an earthquake in San Francisco, and it’s got Stephanie very shaken up in season 3 episode 11, “Aftershocks.” She’s terrified that another earthquake will happen, and her behavior is changing. She panics when her dad doesn’t come home from work on time as well as when he’s planning to go out in the evening. Stephanie also sleeps in Danny’s room, but she convinces Michelle to come with her as a cover. Worried about his daughter, Danny takes Stephanie to a therapist. Together, they talk about Stephanie’s feelings and make a list of things that she and her father can do so that she feels safer.


In season 3 episode 21, “Just Say No Way,” everything is going great at a school dance until DJ catches her boyfriend and some other guys drinking. When Uncle Jesse walks in and sees that DJ is holding a beer, he immediately jumps to conclusions. Luckily, Uncle Jesse, Danny, and Joey eventually believe that she hasn’t had anything to drink.

DJ keeps her good morals in season 8, episode 10, “Under the Influence,” when Kimmy gets drunk at a party and tries to drive home. We learn for the first time that DJ’s mom passed away because of a drunk driver, and Kimmy begins to understand how serious her mistake was.


There’s a boy in school named Walter, and everyone is making fun of him, including Stephanie in season 3 episode 4, “Nerd for a Day.” When Uncle Jesse finds out about the bullying, he makes Stephanie call and apologize. Walter wants her to be his girlfriend, and the other kids at school are teasing her now too! Stephanie stands her ground and shows her friends that teasing is mean and not the cool thing to do. They invite Walter to join their study group, and Stephanie clarifies that Walter is her friend, not boyfriend. He seems okay with this and is glad that the kids stop bullying him.

Weight Loss

Looking skinny can be a big deal for teen girls, especially if your best friend’s pool party is coming up. DJ tries several things to lose weight in season 4 episode 8, “Shape Up.” She hangs pictures of thin models on the refrigerator, she snacks on “water pops,” and she even goes to the gym to workout with her family. However, things take a scary turn when DJ stops eating and she falls from dizziness at the gym. Stephanie tells her father that she found out that DJ hasn’t eaten in three days. Danny and the others help DJ to understand the dangers of not eating, and they show her better ways to get healthy.


Everyone is excited when Uncle Jesse’s grandfather Papouli visits from Greece in season 7 episode 17, “The Last Dance,” especially Michelle. She bakes with him (more like makes a big mess with flour everywhere!), and he even teaches her a Greek dance to show her class for show and tell.

Sadly, Papouli passes away, shocking the entire family and putting a somber cloud over the Tanner house. At first, Stephanie tells Michelle that she has to pretend not to be sad to protect Uncle Jesse, but Uncle Jesse soon teaches Michelle that’s it’s natural to be sad when someone dies, and it’s even okay to cry.

Child Abuse

In season 6 episode 17, “Silence is Not Golden,” Stephanie is assigned to work with a boy named Charles on a school project. When Stephanie realizes that she forgot to do one of her chores, she worries that her father will get mad. Charles comments about how his father hits him. He makes her promise not to tell anyone, but when he’s out of school after his father claims Charles fell down the stairs, Stephanie starts to really worry. She tells Uncle Jesse, who knows they must report it. Stephanie is afraid and doesn’t want to break Charles’ trust, but Uncle Jesse explains to her how important it is that they do what they can to keep Charles safe.

An Accident

Michelle has recently been into horse riding in season 8 episode 24, “Michelle Rides Again Part 1.” While riding one day, she tries to get her horse to jump a log, but he gets scared, causing Michelle to fall off of him, hit her head, and go unconscious. Luckily, her dad is able to rush her to the hospital. When Michelle wakes up in “Part 2,” she doesn’t remember who anybody is. Her family is shaken up by the accident, and now they must help Michelle learn how her life used to be and hope that she gets better soon.


Stephanie stars school in season 7 episode 5, “Fast Friends,” and she really wants to fit in. Unfortunately, her new friend smokes with several other girls in the bathroom, and they want Stephanie to join. Stephanie knows that smoking is bad, but she doesn’t want to lose her friend.

She makes an anonymous call into Joey and Jesse’s radio show asking for advice, and they reaffirm her beliefs that smoking is not a good choice. Stephanie goes back to school and continues to deny cigarettes, not giving in even when they start to pressure her. Her new friend sticks up for her too and says she’s going to try to cut back on her smoking.


The infamous Kathy Santoni is having a baby in season 7 episode 2, “The Apartment,” and Danny is shocked to learn that one of DJ’s friends is pregnant. Around the same time, DJ’s boyfriend Steve finally gets his own apartment, which DJ is allowed to go to as long as she abides by curfew. However, the two of them fall asleep under a blanket on the couch, and she doesn’t come home when she’s supposed to. Danny comes looking for her and sees them together, and he instantly jumps to conclusions. DJ is upset that her father doesn’t trust her, and she eventually convinces him that nothing happened between her and Steve.

Reckless Driving

Stephanie and her friend Gia meet some cute guys at the mall in season 8 episode 9, “Stephanie’s Wild Ride,” and the girls decide to get a ride home from them. The guy who is driving drives on the wrong side of the road and pretends that the wheel is stuck as a truck approaches. Luckily, they were okay, and everyone thought it was great fun. When DJ finds out, she threatens to tell her dad if Stephanie goes out with them again. Gia and the boys go out alone, and they get into a bad car accident. Stephanie learns that making good choices is important, and her sister has the best intentions when looking out for her.