In 1992, Archie Comics created what we now know as the infamous “gotta go fast” hedgehog by the name of Sonic. Since the birth of this character, there has been a slew of other creatures added into the world of Moebius-Prime, including one of Sonic’s most vindictive opponents, Scourge.

Scourge has green fur and is typically seen wearing a flame embroidered leather vest and red sunglasses. While he possesses all the same abilities as the real Sonic (such as super speed and strength), he has never been able to reign superior over the speedy blue hedgehog.

Scourge’s tale is as long and complicated and Sonic’s, with some little known facts about this character, frequently slipping through the cracks.

10. He First Appeared in 1994

Archie Comics teamed up with Sega in 1992 to create a comic book series out of the popular Sonic video game. The series lasted until 2017 and now holds a Guinness World Record for longest published comic based off a video game.

Scourge first appeared in the series in 1994 as Sonic’s direct counterpart. Scourge came from Anti-Moebius, one of the hundreds of parallel universes in the Sonic comic series. He was written into the series as a cliche, Sonic’s “evil twin,” who served as a confusing rival to the comic’s cardinal character.

9. His Original Name Was ‘Evil Sonic’

Scourge was originally named Anti-Sonic or Evil Sonic when he first landed on the pages. He came from an alternate universe from the planet Anti-Moebius. This realm presented the exact opposite of Sonic’s planet Moebius-Prime, complete with the evil Anti Freedom Fighters (later known as the Suppression Squad).

On this planet, the evil Dr. Robotnik has a mirror opposite: a kindly veterinarian by the name of Dr. Kintobor. Evil Sonic was the ringleader for the Anti Freedom Fighters until the group ousted him due to his terrible leadership.

8. He Used To Look Exactly Like Sonic

While he was dubbed as the Anti-Sonic, Scourge looked just like the titular hedgehog. He was drawn in with blue fur and green eyes and virtually indistinguishable abilities. The only features that set the two look-a-likes apart were Evil Sonic’s accessories. He was fashioned with a leather jacket, boots, and vintage-style sunglasses. This initially made it easy for Sonic’s evil counterpart to take the protagonist’s place and terrorize Moebius-Prime.

However, creators later decided to reimagine the character in order to further his story. In attempts to steal the Master Emerald from Locke the Guardian, Evil Sonic received his now notable scratch marks across his belly. In the same misadventure, Evil Sonic had a bad reaction to the Master Emerald, which resulted in his fur turning green and his eyes blue. These discernible marks helped create what we now know as Scourge the Hedgehog.

7. He May Have Killed His Father

Scourge’s father is Anti-Jules, who used to rule the plant Anti-Moebius. He was a massive contributor to the Great Peace, a time where the planet saw stagnant peace and prosperity. This era of peace, however, seemed to contribute to the planet’s eventual decline. Ten years later, Scourge plans to overtake the planet in cahoots with the Suppression Squad. It is during this takeover that his father is killed. Because Scourge was the leader of the Suppression Squad, it is believed that Anti-Jules died at the hands of his son.

6. He Stole the Chaos Emeralds

The Chaos Emerald grants the user brief super abilities of their natural selves. For the hedgehogs, this means the Chaos Emerald would make them faster and stronger than they already are. Per his employer’s instructions (the evil Dr. Robotnik), Scourge found his way to Moebius-Prime where he finds the Chaos Emerald on Floating Island. Anti-Knuckles acts as his aid before his guilt gets to him. Anti-Knuckles ultimately informs the Freedom Fighters of Scourge’s attempts and they are able to thwart the theft of the coveted emerald.

5. Scourge Dated Sonic’s Ex

Scourge is known for his ill-fitted comments towards the female characters in the Sonic series. However, his arrogant behavior seemed to propel the interests of Fiona Fox. Fiona is actually an ex-girlfriend of Sonic on Moebius-Prime. After a life of petty crime, she tried to turn over a new leaf by joining the Freedom Fighters. It was here that she initially started a relationship with Sonic before converting back to her old ways. Fiona fell in love with Scourge as he was the exact opposite of Sonic. She eventually ruled as Queen of Anti-Moebius alongside Scourge after helping him take over the planet. After the Suppression Squad turned their backs on Scourge and Fiona, the two were forced to go their separate ways.

4. He Briefly Took Over Knothole

While on a rescue mission with the Freedom Fighters, Sonic’s absence was taken advantage of by Scourge. Before his green transformation, Scourge’s identical appearance to Sonic enabled him and his Anti-Freedom Fighter league to pose as the heroes of Moebius-Prime.

While they were able to fool the locals at first, Scourge and his friends were eventually found out, and Sonic and his friends were able to banish their evil counterparts back to their own reality.

3. He Had A Stalker

Despite his frequent desire to spur the interest of the females, Scourge unwillingly became a spectacle for Rosy the Rascal. Rosy is the polar opposite of Amy Rose, the erratic fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. While Amy Rose fights for the affection of Sonic, Rosy the Rascal is after Scourge in anger because he is constantly ignoring her. Rosy haunts the green hedgehog and finally confronts him, much to the fear of Scourge. He is able to get away and only has to face her again once he becomes Super Scourge. At this point, he is able to easily defeat his pesky, crazy stalker.

2. Metal Scourge

Metal Scourge was made alongside Metal Sonic at the hands of Dr. Eggman. The two metal-based replicas of the hedgehogs have the same capabilities, including supersonic speed and strength. Because of this unprecedented match, Sonic and Scourge are forced to work together to defeat Dr. Eggman’s creations.

1. Super Scourge Wasn’t Always Purple

Scourge is able to obtain temporary invulnerability and excessive power through the Anarchy Beryl, turning him into Super Scourge. Anarchy Beryl is the counterpart to Moebius-Prime’s Chaos Emerald which hosts infinite power.

Super Scourge has black scleras and red irises. His fur and boots turn purple, his glasses and jacket flames are blue, and his scars become more defined. Super Scourge underwent four different concepts before the final look was decided upon.