The superhero genre is in full force right now. The world is seeing more comic book related movies and TV shows than ever before. But not every single one is a financial or critical success, or some are simply made to be one-off hits.

In the age of the sequel, there’s plenty of superhero movies that are yet to see a follow-up film. Here are 10 of those movies that never had any kind of sequel, whether it was due to creative, financial or in one case, copyright reasons!


The Mystery Men was a comedy movie that many people don’t remember. Starring greats of the industry such as Ben Stiller, this film was a parody of the superhero movie, before superhero movies had even become the biggest thing in Hollywood.

With a team of characters each with less than impressive powers, audiences weren’t exactly thrilled by the movie and it received mixed reviews. However, there were some incredible moments including the invisible man who couldn’t turn invisible under pressure.


The green goliath has had a number of films across his existence but this is the movie that is linked to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In some ways the Hulk has had his sequel, therefore, teaming up with other characters across this superhero reality.

However, the character could never receive a straight-up sequel due to the rights belonging to another movie studio. Despite this, that may all change if Disney decides to buy back the rights to the Hulk, as has been recently rumored.


This Disney Channel movie is absolutely an underrated classic and deserves so much more praise than it has been given so far. It stars big names like Kurt Russell, who would later become Ego and Danielle Panabaker, who would later become Killer Frost.

All the right ingredients are there to make a perfect film about kids learning to use their powers to become superheros and a young man who is yet to find his gift. It’s a shame we never got to see a continuation of this narrative.


Dreamworks has produced some phenomenal films over the years and one of the most popular features a dastardly blue-headed villain and a Superman rip-off. This battle between good and evil just became a little more complicated.

Watching Megamind’s journey from villain to hero makes this film feel like a complete story. It’s therefore why there’s never been a sequel since the film has been pretty beloved. There’s surely another way to continue on this journey, however!


Marvel’s first family has had a few attempts at making it in cinema. Back to the classic cheesy version and moving forward to the attempts we saw in the early 2000s. The most recent go at this project perhaps resulted in the worst attempt of all.

Josh Trank’s version of the film is so bad that even Josh Trank admits to the problems it faces. The movie was certainly never going to get a sequel due to the questionable performances, strange story and overall the lack of profitability.


Another animation studio, Disney, has taken one of Marvel’s lesser-known properties and turned it into an Oscar-winning film. In fact, many people didn’t even realize that this was a comic book property upon release, although it was difficult to miss the Stan Lee cameo.

The film has a natural conclusion, which does indeed promise future adventures. However, we can imagine these adventures happening off-screen and don’t see any need for a sequel. Creatively, therefore, this franchise seems to be ended.


Where to begin with Ryan Reynold’s take on Hal Jordon? Regrettably, this is one of the worst received and most ridiculed comic book movies of all time. Perhaps because it had so much potential or perhaps because the Green Lantern is such a beloved character.

However, despite his best efforts Reynold’s couldn’t piece this script and production back together. Although there’s a series based on the character in the works it is clear why this movie never received any kind of sequel after its release.


One of Edgar Wright’s most well-received films is actually from the comic book and superhero genre. Starring Michael Cera, he fights for the love of a girl, moving through her various ex-boyfriends (and girlfriend) in order to win her heart.

It’s fun and over the top romp but it doesn’t require another movie. It follows the story of the graphic novel well and Wright is working on many other projects now. Maybe one day there will be a time to bring back the hero that is Scott Pilgrim.


The DC Extended Universe tried to start off strong but once it got to their premium superhero team, the Justice League, the tank had run out of gas. Since then the team has been almost forgotten about and solo films are the central focus once more.

What was once supposed to be a huge blockbuster giant fell away due to poor storytelling. There’s no word on whether there could ever be a sequel to this film but don’t place any bets on it as the future isn’t looking hopeful for the team.


There’s been a few attempts to get a Judge Dredd movie happening, but the gritty take on the hero was as close to the source material that anyone has ever come. The previous version of the film was well-received by fans and critics alike.

Sadly the box office performance for the film was pretty poor. In fact, it didn’t even earn enough money for the studio to warrant putting time and focus into a sequel to the film. It’s a real shame for fans of the comics especially.