Like all great fantasy stories, J.R.R. Tolkien created a comprehensive world for his masterpiece The Lord Of The Rings. Within this main story-world are an assortment of cultures, myths, and adventures that fill in the gaps and thematically enhance the plotline, most of which only dedicated fans even know about. Tolkien even left notes that were compiled and edited by his son, Christopher Tolkien, and subsequently made into books such as The Silmarillion and The Fall Of Gondolin.

The Story Of The Dunédain

Although the events of The Lord of the Rings mostly takes place in the south of Middle Earth, much was happening in the North. One of the stories Tolkien mentioned in the books had to do with how the Dunédain, a mostly extinct race of men who became Rangers, protected the Northern lands from Sauron’s forces. In fact, they even joined the Battle of Pelennor Feilds in the book. A film based on this perspective would be really interesting. Additionally, they could make a movie surrounding the history of these people, as well as Aragorn’s place within them. He was, after all, one of the only surviving Dunédain.

Tom Bombadil

Dedicated fans of the books were furious that Jackson left Tom Bombadil out of his movie adaptations. However, the character really doesn’t add anything to the actual plot of the book, therefore it makes sense that he was left out. However, the character’s backstory is incredibly interesting and could be made into a feature film. Bombadil is one of the oldest characters in Middle Earth and has lived through a lot of interesting times. He would offer a unique perspective to get into. Besides, he would help make a more lighthearted Middle Earth movie due to his whimsical, song-singing, and joke-making personality.

Arwen And Aragorn’s Love-Story

Much of Arwen and Aragorn’s love-story was kept in the Appendices for The Lord of the Rings books, but they were included in Jackson’s movie adaptation. Not only did this give more lines to female characters, develop Arwen and Aragorn, but it actually gave the films more of a heart. However, so much of the history of their relationship was kept out of the movies for time reasons. This could easily make a compelling film as much happened between them before the events of The Fellowship of the Ring. Besides, how cool would it be to see Liv Tyler and Viggo Mortensen reprise their roles?

The Children Of Húrin

The Children of Húrin was a story that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote and his son finished. It follows a brother and sister who, along with their father Húrin, are cursed by the Dark Lord Morgoth during the First Age. It’s probably one of the darkest stories in Tolkien’s work and would, therefore, make for a different Lord of the Rings feature film than we’ve seen before. The whole thing works like a melodramatic ancient-Greek-esque tragedy that has some twists that would feel mighty comfortable in Game of Thrones. But it does have some sprawling adventures and action sequences including Morgoth’s orc army and a couple of fire-breathing dragons.

Beren And Lúthien

In The Lord of the Rings novels, Aragorn refers to the story of Beren And Lúthien on multiple occasions. This is because the story reflected his relationship with Arwen on so many levels. In short, Beren And Lúthien were the original Arwen and Aragorn, a mortal man who loved an Elf-maiden in the First Age during the dominion of Morgoth. Their story is ultimately quite sad but it does include a truly dramatic love-story, action, and even a werewolf. To make things more interesting, Beren And Lúthien are roughly based on Tolkien’s relationship with his wife, Edith. Perhaps this is a story we will see reflected in the upcoming biopic movie, Tolkien.

The Battles Of The North

As mentioned, most of the movies’ depiction of the War of the Ring took place in the South, namely Rohan and Gondor. But the books, as well as the video games, detail expansive battles happening in Northern lands such as Lorien, Dale, and Mirkwood. A feature film that took place in one or all of these places during the time of the original Lord of the Rings would be a fascinating adaptation. There are many characters that could be followed, however, there’s also an opportunity to create characters from scratch that compliment the ones we’ve come to love in the original Lord of the Rings. Unlike The Hobbit movies, we could have a film with the genuine stakes of the original stories.

The Wizards Of Middle Earth

As detailed in The Lord of the Rings and its accompanying novels, the wizards of Middle Earth were actually emissaries sent by the God-like Valar to bring a balance of power in the wake of Sauron’s rise. The history and lore of the wizards may be pretty complicated, as Saruman and Gandalf aren’t even the real names or forms of these characters, but it’s also utterly fascinating.

In fact, a more ethereal and unearthly look at Middle Earth’s magical beings may offer a distinctive story for a movie adaptation. It’s also a way to bring back Sir Ian McKellan as Gandalf The Grey, otherwise known as Mithrandir, Incánus, and The White Rider.

The Story Of Eärendil

Eärendil, AKA “The Evening Star”, is a character mentioned in The Lord of the Rings by Galadriel and Aragorn, but he’s primarily in The Silmarillion. He is the child of both Men and Elves and therefore represents both great cultures. He escaped the Fall of Gondolin and went on his own Odyssey-like adventures. Most famously, Eärendil was the seafarer who was given the rescued Morning Star and took it across the sky. Upon his return, he took part in the battle that finally beat the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. In short, there’s no shortage of stories to tell about this mystical Tolkien character. Each one of them is perfectly dramatic and visual for a movie.

The Fall Of Gondolin

The Fall of Gondolin is a wonderfully dramatic tale of a secret Elven city during the First Age of Middle Earth. The story follows Tuor, a Númenorian who Aragorn traces his lineage back to. There’s also rather a large section of the story devoted to the childhood of Eärendil and the ultimate betrayal of the city to the First Dark Lord, Morgoth, who subsequently takes the city down. The Fall of Gondolin has everything that a Lord of the Rings story should have including Good V.S. Bad, a romantic relationship that’s frowned on, a cast of interesting characters, and the rise of those who are seen as unworthy. It’s ideal for the big screen.

The Fall Of Morgoth

In many of the First Age stories mentioned here, Morgoth, who’s connected to Mordor, acts as the primary antagonist. This includes the stories of Eärendil, The Fall of Gondolin, and The Children Of Húrin. In fact, Morgoth, once Melkor, waged war for almost fifty years. The story is somewhat reminiscent of that of his lieutenant, Sauron, but it contains a number of differences that could be highlighted for a new trilogy of Lord of the Rings films that could culminate with the fall of this legendary baddie. Besides, unlike Sauron during the LOTR, Morgoth had a physical form that was constantly out on the battlefield whether on Earth or The Void, a cosmic-like space. This tale would easily lend itself to one epic cinematic adventure.