With Disney+ finally up and running — well, for some people — Star Wars fans are about to experience a new era of content. While the sequel trilogy is wrapping up with The Rise of Skywalker, new shows are lining up that are exclusive to Disney+. Naturally, some fan favorite characters are destined to return to small screens. The question is, which ones?

For this list, we’re going to place some bets on which Star Wars characters will appear on the new Disney+ programs. As you probably know, all of the Star Wars films will appear on the streaming service — so while technically every character will be making an appearance, we won’t be counting those. We’re only talking about character appearances in new, original content. Who do you want to see again? Here are 10 Star Wars characters who will definitely show up on Disney+.

Darth Vader

Whether in live-action or animated form, there is no way that the most iconic Star Wars character won’t appear. Darth Vader’s appearance in Rogue One proves that Disney and Lucasfilm aren’t opposed to bringing him back, and it also demonstrates that they know exactly how to use him.

Vader would be the perfect bomb to drop on prequel shows. The Obi-Wan series could use Vader in a cameo, and the Cassian Andor series could use him as a potential antagonist. Frankly, using Vader in any capacity is a no-brainer.

Luke Skywalker

With Disney+ content skipping all around the Star Wars timeline, the service presents the opportunity to check in with Luke at different points in his life outside of the movies. The likely choice is the appearance of young Luke Skywalker — really young Luke Skywalker, living on Tatooine.

Kid Luke has already made a cameo on Star Wars Rebels, with Obi-Wan Kenobi watching over him from afar. The Obi-Wan series will revisit this time period, creating the perfect opportunity for Luke to appear. Luke could also show up in his later years — perhaps training new Jedi in a series set before The Force Awakens — but a project like that remains to be seen.

Saw Gerrera

Forest Whitaker’s lesser known Star Wars character makes an appearance in Rogue One, but Saw’s storied past in the expanded universe makes him the perfect candidate to bring back. Saw Gerrera appears in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and even the upcoming Jedi: Fallen Order video game. He’s a prominent figure during the prequels and the original trilogy. Why not bring him back?

Lucasfilm clearly has uses for the character, and Whitaker seems open to returning. Saw isn’t well-known enough for his appearance to feel jarring, but he’s popular enough to satisfy hardcore fans with a cameo or two. With that in mind, it’s likely that this extremist rebel will show up again.


Thanks to the expanded universe, Darth Maul has gone from a one-off villain to the most interesting antagonist in the franchise. His appearances in The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels are legendary among fans. He even made a cameo at the end of Solo, beginning a plot thread that Lucasfilm doesn’t seem to want to revisit. It’s only logical that the character will get more mileage on Disney+.

Maul could easily appear in the Obi-Wan series (perhaps before their final battle, as depicted in Rebels). Even if he doesn’t appear in original content right away, he’s a fan-favorite that deserves more live-action screen time.

Kylo Ren

As the new trilogy wraps up, fans will likely have questions about the young cast that may never be answered. Perhaps the most perplexing of the bunch is Kylo Ren, whose history in the franchise has only been alluded to. Aside from his time under Luke’s tutelage, most of Kylo Ren’s life is a mystery that is especially relevant to the rest of the series.

We wouldn’t be shocked to see a young Ben Solo training under Luke, or some appearance of Kylo Ren during his early villain years. It all depends on how much is revealed in The Rise of Skywalker, but surely Kylo Ren’s life is ripe for exploration.

Sith Inquisitors

The Empire pulls out all the stops to hunt down the Jedi, even training some low-level Sith to help do the job. The Sith Inquisitors show up in every corner of the Star Wars expanded universe, so it would perfectly suit the franchise to pluck one out of the ether and drop them into a new series.

Between the comics, novels, appearances on Rebels, and Jedi: Fallen Order, it looks like the Inquisitors will be fleshed out more in the coming years. With dozens to choose from, most of the Inquisitors are blank-slate antagonists that can fit easily into stories between the first two trilogies. It would be a waste if we didn’t see at least one Inquisitor on a new Disney+ show.

C-3P0 & R2-D2

They’re in nearly every bit of Star Wars media that exists. Is it really that much of a stretch to say that they could show up on Disney+? Fans know that these two droids appear wherever the good guys are found.

No matter how contrived, no matter how far removed from the epic story of the Skywalkers, they always find a way to get in front of the camera. With that in mind, we would put money on at least one new cameo featuring these two. It just isn’t Star Wars if 3PO and R2 aren’t around.

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka’s development over the course of the various animated series has earned her plenty of fans. These fans are likely upset that her last appearance — off in space at the end of Rebels — have left them without closure. Ahsoka’s story clearly isn’t over, so where better to continue it than on Disney+?

It might be a while before she appears, but fans have been calling for a live-action Ahsoka for quite some time now. If she doesn’t appear in animated form (which she almost certainly will), then she has to appear in an older, wiser, live-action form. It might sound like a shot in the dark, but fans of animated shows know one thing for certain: Ahsoka lives.

Lando Calrissian

Say what you want about Solo, but Donald Glover’s performance as young Lando was one of the film’s highlights. Of course, the movie was not the massive success Disney and Lucasfilm were hoping for, despite leaving several plot threads hanging for sequels. Those sequels probably won’t happen it all, but if they do, they’ll likely be Disney+ projects.

With that said, bringing back Glover as Lando should be a priority for Lucasfilm. We wouldn’t actually put Lando in the “definitely” column, but it seems like the surefire way to satisfy fans. Bring young Lando back for a cameo at least, just so we get a little more time with this genius stroke of casting!


If The Last Jedi is any precedent to go by, Yoda can show up anywhere. Not only is he a beloved character, but he’s a prominent figure in every era of Star Wars. While no one should expect him in a starring role, Yoda can easily work into whichever stories contain Jedi.

The safest bet would have him show up in the Obi-Wan series, perhaps to council him during lonely time protecting Luke on Tatooine. Whether he’s a puppet, a CGI ghost, or even a disembodied voice (like at Galaxy’s Edge), it’s just not Star Wars if Yoda isn’t involved.

Next: The Mandalorian: Every Star Wars Easter Egg In The Premiere Episode


Which Star Wars characters do you want to see on Disney+? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!