Over the last decade, no television series proved to be as much a phenomenon as Game of Thrones. The show garnered legions of fans from all over the world and is forever embedded in popular culture.

Regardless of the controversial final season, the show will continue to stick with fans across the globe, largely thanks to the show’s many iconic quotes. With so many quotes to choose from, inevitably some great ones didn’t make the list. The quotes chosen are the ones most closely associated with the show’s characters, themes, and best plot twists, along with those that are frequently referenced. These are 10 Quotes From Game Of Thrones that will stick with us forever.

“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.”

This was the moment where Cersei Lannister told fans exactly what kind of story they’d be watching. This would not be a story where good guys would win or survive because they’re good guys. Game of Thrones was a story where no one would be safe. Mercy, truth, and justice–the very tenets that guided Ned Stark and brought him before Cersei at that moment–would not keep him safe.

Despite Cersei’s many deceptions, she was completely honest in this title drop moment about her children, who she was, and what it meant to play the game of thrones. This was a story where a hero like Ned Stark would lose and a villain like Cersei Lannister could thrive.

“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.”

Littlefinger and Varys’s conversations were always a delight, filled with banter, philosophical musings, and barely concealed threats. These scenes are best remembered with Littlefinger’s line about chaos. It’s a perfect metaphor for the game of thrones and one that showed the clear dichotomy between Littlefinger and Varys.

While Varys sought to avoid chaos at all costs, Littlefinger relished chaos, seeing it as an opportunity to advance and grow more powerful. This was an example of a moment that didn’t exist in the books, but it was a fabulous addition that enriched the overall narrative. It is even more impactful considering this was the last scene ever shared between the characters, with Littlefinger’s chaos monologue serving as the final word between them.

“The Lannisters send their regards.”

This quote will forever remind fans of the devastating and shocking Red Wedding. While Roose Bolton is the one who plunges a dagger into Robb Stark’s heart and the event takes place under Walder Frey’s roof, Tywin Lannister is the true mastermind of the Red Wedding. Before the King in the North dies, Roose Bolton makes sure Robb knows that he’s lost to the Lannisters.

Robb won every battle, but Tywin Lannister would go to any length necessary to win the war, even if it meant committing mass murder at a wedding. The quote takes on even more meaning when realizing that when Roose Bolton freed Jaime from Harrenhal earlier in the season, Jaime told Roose to tell Robb that “The Lannisters send their regards.”

“The things I do for love.”

Jaime Lannister pushing Bran Stark out of a window was one of the key moments that sparked the central conflict of a Game of Thrones. Beyond reminding fans of this essential moment, the line perfectly embodies Jaime Lannister. From his monstrous deeds to acts of heroism, Jaime justified everything he did in the name of love.

He pushed Bran out that window to protect the toxic love between him and Cersei. In season 2, he strangled his own cousin in an attempt to get back to Cersei. In season 3, he jumped into a bear pit to save Brienne and, in season 4, he helped smuggle Tyrion out of King’s Landing after Tyrion was sentenced to death. All these deeds and more he did out of the love he felt for these people and audiences had the pleasure of seeing his deeds grow far nobler than the first heinous act they saw him commit in the name of love.

“That’s what I do. I drink, and I know things.”

There are many brilliant quotes associated with Tyrion Lannister, yet this is the one that is best remembered and most widely referenced by fans. It may lack the emotional gravitas of other quotes on this list, but it’s a perfect representation of the fan-favorite Tyrion. He’s wise, knowledgeable, articulate, has a keen sense of humor, and certainly loves to drink.

In the context of the season it works as a delightful juxtaposition between Tyrion and his well-meaning, but much more serious peers Missandei and Grey Worm. It’s also a line that can be easily and humorously incorporated into everyday conversation. Game of Thrones certainly wasn’t a comedy, but it did have moments like this that were comedic gold.

“Power Resides Where Men Believe It Resides. It’s A Trick. A Shadow On The Wall. And A Very Small Man Can Cast A Very Large Shadow.”

In the end, Game of Thrones was largely about how power is ultimately a matter of perception. Varys understood that from the beginning and helped others like Tyrion use this to their advantage. This quote is a key piece in the foundation of their relationship, which is one of the most fun and well-developed relationships to emerge from the show.

Varys’ words capture the essence of the story. Despite their vast resources, many characters met ignominious ends because they failed to understand the nature of power as Varys understood it.

“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.”

Ned Stark’s words from the first episode permeated throughout the entire series. The best leaders were the ones who took ownership of their actions. Ned instilled these values in the children he raised and it allowed them to grow into effective and just leaders.

They never decreed a death sentence lightly as they understood the weight of that decision and that they’d have to carry out the deed themselves. Such wisdom is a clear contrast to terrible leaders like Joffrey who decreed death sentences frequently, always leaving the dirty deed to be carried out by an executioner or soldier under his command.

“Stick them with the pointy end.”

Jon Snow telling Arya “Stick with them the pointy end” took on greater significance as the show continued, especially with how Arya’s identity evolved. By not only seeing Arya for who she really was but also by fully accepting and helping her, Jon was a crucial figure in sparking the unique path ahead that Arya would forge for herself.

It all began with Jon loving Arya and taking her interests seriously by having Needle made for her. The line was also a reminder of the deep bond between Jon and Arya, a bond that stayed strong even though they were physically separated for most of the series.

“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

While Jaime Lannister thought he’d won and was in control of Olenna Tyrell’s end, she got the last word and truly owned her death. Even impending death couldn’t weaken her as she made Jaime realize she’d been behind the death of his son Joffrey all along.

While Cersei blamed Tyrion–mercilessly hating and hunting him for years–Olenna had been under the Lannisters’ noses the whole time. It was fitting that the witty and sharp-tongued Olenna would go out with biting words that would live on forever and haunt Jaime and Cersei until their dying days.

“Hold the door.”

These three simple words are forever associated with one of the most heartbreaking moments in Game of Thrones. Hodor’s sacrifice–and how it connected to his origin–was one of the final times the show managed to be truly shocking and devastating in a way that felt earned.

One of the show’s most lovable and loyal characters rose to the occasion in a way that made sense, but in a way that was brutal to watch and subverted so much of what fans thought they knew about the show’s universe. The repetition of the words “Hold the door” and how it morphed into “Hodor” as the episode ended is an emotional experience fans will never forget.