The DC Universe is constantly expanding on the big and small screen with several movies and TV shows in the works for the coming years. However, with Warner Bros.’ film division, there have been a massive amount of DC films announced within the last 7-8 years alone. Even though they have gotten a screenwriter attached or a director that they’re interested in hiring, many of the DC pictures have yet to make any progress to becoming a reality. In this industry, it’s very common for films to go from announced right into development hell. Just because something is announced, doesn’t mean that it’s guaranteed to make it to the big screen in the end.

With Warner Bros. evidently adjusting their plans in how to execute their vision for ongoing DC film multi-franchises, some of the past announced projects may never see the light of day. Given that they now have platforms such as DC Universe and the coming HBO Max, it might be wise to turn some of these movies into TV shows. With that said, these are 10 previously announced DC films that should be turned into shows.

10. Deathstroke

Even though he has had only one scene in the entire DC film universe, Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke has yet to be used again. Even though his version of the character got a solo film announced prior to his on-screen debut, nothing seems to move the project forward after all this time. With the popularity of Slade Wilson in general, would this character perhaps benefit from having a 6-8 episode series rather than a 2-hour picture?

Since Slade has such a deep history that can be explored, which other TV versions have done, giving Manganiello’s take on the famous assassin might be better for the character in the long run. If they intend to still use him in the film universe, a solo series centered on Deathstroke could work as a way to develop him further before using him in the movies again.

9. Deadshot

While Suicide Squad may have had its ups and downs, Will Smith’s Floyd Lawton a.k.a. Deadshot wasn’t one of the problems. Even though he won’t be back for The Suicide Squad, Smith’s take on the foe still got his own spin-off film to be in the works in 2016.

Even though chances are good that they may have scrapped that project, why not revive it as a limited series instead? Even if a Deadshot series, in the long run, wouldn’t be something to do for multiple seasons, limited event series is still just as appealing these days.

8. Cyborg

It’s an injustice to Ray Fisher that no updates have been done about his Cyborg film ever since it got announced in 2014. Not even as little as a screenwriter or director has been announced in the last 5 years. Victor Stone shouldn’t be a character that is difficult to write stories for.

If comics have done it for as long as they have, a movie should have all the potential available. But perhaps Cyborg is another character that could benefit from having a solo show instead and let audience members invest more time with him rather than wait to see him on the big screen again.

7. Batgirl

Barbara Gordon is reportedly on her way to the big screen in her own Batgirl film. While screenplays are being written, it still has yet to be determined when Warner Bros. actually intends to get it out in theaters.

With the DC film schedule continuing to get busier and busier, maybe Barbara could be serviced better in her own TV show instead. You could still have it tied into the cinematic universe, but allow her to be developed as a hero on something like HBO Max.

Why not do Themyscira as a series on HBO Max where you can spend seasons dedicated to fleshing out Diana’s homeworld? With a high budget and something like HBO Max, a series that allows fans to spend more time with Themyscira would be a more personal way to get attached to that world.

6. Lobo

It’s been an interesting year for the iconic DC bounty hunter Lobo. He debuted earlier this year on Krypton where Emmett Scanlan brought the character to life, with a spin-off being intended for him. Sadly SYFY ended up canceling both Krypton as well as the Lobo spin-off.

With DC films having previously announced that they had plans to do a Lobo film, why not just commit to it as a show? Whether it’s with a new iteration all together or continuing with Scanlan’s take, Lobo would work better as a series, perhaps on DC Universe, as a space adventure.

4. Gotham City Sirens

With the Birds of Prey getting ready to join the cinematic world, talks of a Gotham City Sirens film has been going on for years. But it has clearly been stuck in development hell unless it got canceled quietly. Even if it has been scrapped, having a series centered on that villainous team wouldn’t be a bad idea.

It would be something new for superhero and comic book shows in general and it could be used as a way to tie into the next Birds of Prey film. Let the team be developed through a multi-hour series so that there is more investment in that team when they eventually clash with the Birds.

3. Blue Beetle

Jaime Reyes a.k.a. Blue Beetle is one of the few young heroes to have gotten his own solo film announced. But like so many other DC projects, nothing has really gone forward in a while for that hero. If the feature side doesn’t see a place right now for Jaime, then he deserves at least his own series.

There were even plans by Geoff Johns back in 2009-2010 to do a series centered on Jaime. With special effects and technology have evolved the way it has, bringing that costume to life and allowing Jaime to shine is what character deserves.

2. Justice League Dark

For too long, Justice League Dark has been stuck in development hell as one director after another has dropped out. With the great range of characters that team have like Constantine, Zatanna, Swamp Thing, and others, it’s almost a crime that this team isn’t being given their own project somewhere. It’s almost a given at this point that a feature film for the team isn’t happening anytime soon.

With screenplays and pitches having been submitted, why not use them as guidelines for a JLD series? With the supernatural side of the DC world having gotten limited representation in live-action, a solo series highlighting the magical side of this universe would be unique.

1. Booster Gold

For years now, a Booster Gold film by Greg Berlanti and screenwriter Zack Stentz has been in the works. With Stentz having submitted a finished script, it’s up to the executives now if they want to move forward or not. But if they can’t find a place for the beloved time-traveling superhero, then maybe it’s time to look at the possibility of a Booster Gold series?

It wouldn’t be the first time that Warner Bros. tried to give Michael Jon Carter his own show as SYFY tried it years ago. Perhaps take Stentz’s ideas and develop it into a long-running series?