The year is coming to an end with it a decade that has been huge in and out of the world of movies. One thing that always comes this time of year and will be invading social media for the next week or 2, are new year resolutions. These are like promises which people make to change a part of themselves or their lifestyle they do not like or to accomplish a goal in life.

If anyone is struggling for ideas on what resolution they will make this year, a good place to look is in the galaxy far, far away. Star Wars is one of the biggest and most successful franchises of all time and is full of messages and inspirations of things to improve about oneself and for ways to achieve goals. With that, here are 10 New Year’s resolutions inspired by Star Wars.


A lot of people struggle with trust and those who do usually have their own personal reason as to why that is the case. But, a good way to start out the New Year would be to put more trust in people, especially your friends and those close to you. This is illustrated perfectly in Return of the Jedi by the rebel alliance team on the forest moon of Endor and by Lando in the sky.

Han, Leia, and co. puts faith in their friends and comrades up top to do what needs to be done and Lando, when he realizes the shield generators are still up, vocally puts his trust in Han and the fact he believes Han will shut the shield generators off.


On the contrary, there is a whole other subsection of people who trust too easily and are hurt because of it by fake people in the world. A good start to the new year in this situation would be for them to be more aware of people, and a bit more reserved, not in a nasty way, of course, just to be more mindful and aware of people.

The best way to convey this would be to look at the way Palpatine manipulated the Jedi in the prequel trilogy and clouded himself and his Sith ways to be undetectable to them. Throughout the prequels the Jedi sense darkness around the Chancellor but still appear to basically trust them, had they been more mindful then perhaps Order 66 would not have occurred.


There are a lot of people who suffer from a confidence problem. This does not make them bad people or anything close to it, but being cocky overbearing can be harmful and can lose people friends. An idea inspired by the Jedi and also on the contrary inspired by the Emperor’s overconfidence in Return Of The Jedi is for people in the New Year to be more humble.

Confidence is not a bad trait to have. But being overbearing with it and losing all one’s modesty is not a great thing, and being more humble, or at least making the attempt, is a good resolution for some to adopt and a good way to be more like a Jedi.


For over 40 years, droids in the Star Wars galaxy have proved to be loyal, helpful friends from R2-D2, 3PO, and BB-8 to Chopper, K-2SO, and L3-37, droids are the perfect example within the Star Wars bubble as to why people should adopt a pet this new year.

While not a conventional pet like a dog or cat, they prove why adopting an animal should be considered by you this New Year. Not only would adopting a pet be helping or saving the life of a gorgeous animal, but you yourself will also gain a loyal friend you will love for years and vice versa, just look at Poe and BB-8, or Luke and R2, or Lando and L3.


For a lot of people, it is hard to admit mistakes. Whether it be down to stubbornness, ignorance or embarrassment people have an issue with it. But as the redeemed Anakin and his son Luke prove, it is okay to admit when you or wrong or have made a mistake, no matter how big.

Luke admitted to Rey in The Rise Of Skywalker his mistakes of running away and being scared and it helped Rey summon the courage to go face Palpatine. As for Anakin, while he never literally said “Yes, yes I killed those younglings sorry”, he did see the light and kill the Emperor and faced the mistakes he made and became a force ghost alongside two Jedi he hurt in the past.


Inspired by the same idea as the above resolution, a good idea for some people come 2020 would be to be more forgiving. While some people do not deserve forgiveness, life is too short to hold petty grudges. Just look at how people forgive Kylo and Luke forgives Vader.

Kylo killed Han and yet Leia still calls out to him in her dying moments and Rey forgives him in his redemption while Luke forgives Vader in his redemption back into Anakin. If these people can be forgiven, why can’t a couple of the petty grudges in your life?


Patience is a virtue lost in many. In a world that moves so fast a lot of people lack the patience to take the long road for the better and this year a lot of people would benefit from taking a page out of a Jedi like Yoda’s book.

Yoda lived to be over 900 years old and trained countless Jedi for centuries. The patience required to be so wise, to train so many people in such a long difficult road would be hard, but Yoda had the patience and self-discipline to do it. Even when Luke Skywalker, an older potential Jedi full of emotion wanted to train, Yoda had the patience to deal with it and trained Luke.


A lot of people can let various things define them and lead them on a path that is not theirs, such as a family name, a reputation, a group of friends, or the past. But, this new year perhaps some people can undertake the hard task of choosing your own path and not letting these things define you.

Look at Rey who, even though she is a Palpatine, does not let that define her and instead remains a Jedi adopting the Skywalker name. Or Luke who let being a nobody moisture farmer from a nothing planet get in his way of going on to become the greatest Jedi who ever lived.


Taking more risks is easier said than done but what better time to make the promise to yourself to do than at New Years. Not taking risks is regretted by a lot of people in hindsight and a good inspiration to do this is via various characters in the Star Wars galaxy.

Just look at Kanan and Ezra, Kanan saw the potential in Ezra and despite Ezra’s older age, despite the Inquisitors and Empire viciously hunting Jedi, and despite having a lot to focus on already, Kanan took a risk and trained Ezra and the rest is (albeit incomplete) history.


Everyone sets themselves goals. It is how a lot of people stay sane and how a lot of people accomplish what they want. A lot of goals people set themselves require something that every established Jedi goes through, lots and lots of training.

The Jedi go through intense, long and rigorous training. In fact, their training rarely ever stops as they constantly learn and develop their connection with the Force. What better way to accomplish goals, learn new things, and reach targets than to train and train, practice and practice.