Here comes a new year (and a new decade). How can the next year (or even the next ten years) be better than the one we are leaving behind? That’s what resolutions are really about, striving to do better. What better way to work on improving oneself than to try and live up to the best characteristics of the most heroic of Harry Potter houses, Gryffindor?

It doesn’t matter if you were sorted into the house of red and gold, we can all be brave when we need to be, have to be, or want to be. Here are just a few suggestions on how to do just that, and replicate the best traits of Harry Potter’s own house.

Join A New Group (Ginny Weasley)

In the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Ginny Weasley follows in the footsteps of many of her brothers by joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team. It should also be noted that Ginny, some years later, goes on to become a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies. Who’s to say that whatever group you decide to join this year won’t end up changing your life the same way Ginny’s did? Not all groups are quite so active or violent as a Quidditch team, but that’s why there are Gobstones teams and bookclubs in the world as well.

Trust Yourself (Harry Potter)

Harry Potter, like many Gryffindors, likes to jump into situations without all the information. He’s sort of an action first, ask questions later kind of guy (remember all those surprise rooms he found on his way to get the Sorcerer’s Stone?). Well, he’s not always wrong. He was right about Malfoy working for Voldemort in The Half Blood Prince. He was right to continue searching for Horcruxes instead of Hallows. He was right to let Ron share his carriage on the Hogwarts’ Express. This year take a leaf out of Harry’s book. Trust your instincts. Trust your gut. Trust yourself.

Choose One New Activity (Seamus Finnigan)

When Dean Thomas finally brings fellow Gryffindor, Seamus Finnigan to a meeting of Dumbledore’s Army, it’s an important moment of forgiveness and growth. Grow this year by joining a new group and trying a new activity. You will meet new people, or even come back into contact with friends you have missed. You may also learn something that will be fun, or even useful in the future. Not all of us have access to Dumbledore’s Army, but the world is full of options.

Do Something That Scares You (Neville Longbottom)

It may seem counterintuitive for Gryffindor’s to do what scares them but, in truth, you’re not being brave unless you’re doing something that scares you. That may just make Neville Longbottom the most Gryffindor like Gryffindor of all time. From standing up to his friends, to fight Voldemort, Neville grew into the respected, and kind, hero he was by doing things that scared him (even if that was everything). Follow Neville’s lead into the new year and be your own hero.

Be An Activist (Hermione Granger)

It may not have made it into the movies, but S.P.E.W or, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, was a key initiative spearheaded by Hermione Granger in her fourth year, in response to the injustice she saw in the general treatment of House Elves in the Wizarding World.

Unfortunately, we, even outside the Wizarding World, live in a world of injustice. This year pick a cause and take part. Write, march, make phone calls, do what you can to promote a better society for all.

Be Assertive (Lee Jordan)

Despite being seated next to Professor McGonagall, Quidditch announcer, Lee Jordan, has no trouble keeping up his colorful commentary despite the Professor’s admonitions. He knows a foul when he sees one and he will let everyone in the stadium know it, particularly when they are flagrant and outrageous. This year take a cue from Lee Jordan and be assertive. It’s brave to know your own mind, and even braver to assert it.

Share Your Resolutions (Fred And George)

Like their jokes, pranks, and business Fred and George Weasley shared everything. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a built-in BFF, but that doesn’t mean that speaking and sharing isn’t just as important. It’s always more likely you will keep a resolution if you are vocal about it if you share it with someone or a bunch of someones. Help yourself on the way to success by making sure to voice your resolutions to those around you so they can help you on your way as well.

Take The Stairs (Oliver Wood)

Oliver Wood, Quidditch Captain extraordinaire would certainly look for any possibility to squeeze in a little extra training wherever he could. Not everyone can be Oliver Wood, but it’s a simple “step” to decide to take the stairs a few more times in the coming year than was done in the past. At least in most muggle buildings, the stairs don’t change on a minute by minute basis.

Follow The News (Hermione Granger)

Hermione, it’s no surprise, is the one Gryffindor to make our list twice. As she subscribed to The Daily Prophet in her fifth year at Hogwarts (to keep tabs on the enemy, really) so too should everyone resolve to pay more attention to the news in the coming year.

It can often feel overwhelming, but there are many ways to keep up with what is going on in the world. Social media, television, papers, websites, no one has to follow them all, but it’s worth agreeing to stay informed in some way.

Hydrate (Dobby)

Here we call attention to an honorary Gryffindor, Dobby the House Elf. Dobby was nothing if not brave, it takes a true Gryffindor to sacrifice yourself for your friends. But Dobby will be better remembered for his protectiveness and caring. Not only did he cook for Hogwarts’ students, but he knit socks for his friend Harry Potter, and assisted in the Triwizard Tournament. In tribute to Dobby, try and hydrate more this year. He would want you to take better care of yourself on all fronts, and this is a simple way to do just that. So lift a glass to Dobby in the new year, again and again.