After a film has been out for twenty years, there are certain characteristics about the movie that are somehow different than before it hit the two-decade mark. Hits become classics, flops become forgets, or the movie generally becomes fair game in terms of a reboot or remake being created.

Regardless of whether a film was amazing or horrible, it’s only natural that audiences will end up forgetting a few of the movies that they’ve seen throughout their lives, especially when those productions have been around for as long as twenty years. That being said, take a look at our list of 10 movies that audiences may have forgotten are turning 20 this year.


Whether or not audiences forgot that this film was turning twenty or that it even existed, that’s all the more reason why we want to remind them of what a hilarious comedy this movie truly was. Bedazzled stars Brenden Frasier as Elliot, an awkward, down-on-his-luck loser with a less-than-interesting job at a computer company that’s hopelessly in love with his colleague Allison (but he can’t tell her). Elliot just so happens to run into the devil (Elizabeth Hurley) and she makes a deal to give him seven wishes in exchange for his soul. We won’t give away the rest for those who have forgotten the details but suffice to say that the deal isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

Cast Away

Wilson has been lost at sea for two decades now and audiences will never forget him. In one of Tom Hank’s most memorable roles, Cast Away tells the story of a man named Chuck Noland, a worker for FedEx who traveled the world for the company, and how his plane crash-lands on an island and he’s the only survivor. The movie is brilliantly entertaining as Tom Hanks is the lone character on screen for most of the movie, save for a bloody volleyball named Wilson, and must adapt to being stranded on the island for over four years. Don’t let this movie get cast away in your memory.

Meet the Parents

Ben Stiller has been doing more directing than acting nowadays with his breakout limited-series Escape at Dannemora coming out last year, but audiences certainly miss seeing him on the other side of the camera - especially when he gave us knock-out comedies like this. The beauty behind Meet the Parents is the simplistic premise - a man wants to propose to his girlfriend but ends up ‘meeting her parents’ and realizes that he’s in for much more than he anticipated. Ben Stiller was fantastic, but the icing on the cake is Robert De Niro killing it in a rare comedic performance.

The Replacements

It was just one year after Keanu Reeves was dodging bullets in slow-motion that he was dodging tackles on the football field in one of the most underrated and forgotten sports films of all time - The Replacements. Every now and then in a major sporting event, the players will go on strike for one of several reasons, leaving teams without any players but entire seasons to play. That’s where ’the replacements’ come in - a group of has-been’s and never were’s that come together to play for the Washington Sentinels football team.

The Patriot

Doesn’t everybody remember that historical-fiction film Mel Gibson starred in back in the mid-90s or early 2000s? And, no, we’re not talking about Braveheart. It might not be his best work in a long resume of credited film roles, but Mel Gibson’s war-epic, The Patriot, is a film that came out in 2000 that never got the right credit that it was due. The movie follows Captain Benjamin Martin during the American Revolutionary War as he serves in the Continental Army and tries to bring down the British red-coats. The movie involves family drama as well as plenty of fighting and action and is sadly forgotten among a list of amazing historical-fiction films.

What Women Want

Look at that - another Mel Gibson film on this list from 2000 that people may have forgotten about, and there’s strong evidence for that since the movie was just remade from a woman’s perspective with the title being What Men Want. But whatever the case may be, audiences should go back and check out the original - the story about a man who gets electrocuted in the bathtub while using women’s accessories and sundries and rather than dying ends up with the powers to read women’s minds. This another forgotten Mel Gibson hit that should be resurrected from its grave.

Dude, Where’s My Car?

If you can believe it or not, Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott are both old enough to have acting careers that are two-decades-long, and one of their very first projects was also one of the most hilarious cult-classics of the early 2000’s - Dude, Where’s My Car? In what could have been a simple, “forgot where something was,” premise such as that of The Hangover, this stoner comedy went all out and incorporated a sci-fi kicker aspect that nobody was prepared for. We will continue our search for the Continuum Transfunctioner and all hail Zoltan!

Remember the Titans

Does everybody see the irony behind putting a movie called Remember the Titans on a list about forgotten movies? Good, we just wanted to make sure - just like how we wanted to make sure that audiences always remember one of the greatest sports dramas of all time. Denzel Washington in the prime of his acting career plays Herman Boone, a football coach in Virginia during the year 1971 who is asked to help coach a team of white and black players to help solve racial tensions between the two races. If the premise weren’t enough, the fact that it’s all based on a true story makes it even better.


X-Men being twenty years old is significant for a number of reasons, mainly the fact that it’s one of the comic-book franchises of  Marvel that helped get their current juggernaut franchise, the  MCU, up and running. But what’s even better about this film is its dark concept of mutants since the entire film’s premise revolves around the fact that Congress is trying to pass a “Mutation Registration Act” and get rid of them entirely. This movie was also audience’s first introduction to characters like Wolverine, Professor X, and Magneto and they’ve all lasted since then.


It’s two decades later and we are still incredibly entertained by this movie. The winner of the Oscar for Best Picture from the turn of the millennium is undoubtedly one that nobody has forgotten about, however, audiences might be surprised to hear that the film is turning 20 years old since it feels like yesterday that they were just watching Maximus Decimus Meridius on the big-screen. The historical-fiction film about a former Roman general turned gladiator who must fight to the death in front of the very ruler who had his family murdered. We could never forget this film, but it will have its vengeance on anybody that does - in this life or the next.