Sometimes, the best part of a TV show isn’t necessarily the plot, but instead the relationships that build up over time throughout the series. The best of these relationships are often the romantic ones because at the end of the day, who doesn’t adore a good love story?

These TV couples can either make or break a show depending on the chemistry and depth between them. Over the history of TV, which comedic characters make the best boyfriends? Read our list, and find out for yourself!


Seth Cohen, played hilariously by Adam Brody, is what separates The OC from being any other teen drama. He is the show’s most fascinating character and he is constantly making us crack up with laughter. Yet he is so much more than just the comic relief, considering he is also a hopeless romantic. Seth has had one girl seared to his brain since elementary school, that girl being Summer Roberts.

He has always been madly in love with her, and finally, in high school, he got the girl of his dreams. Not only is he hilarious, but he treats Summer like she is the most beautiful thing on the planet, inside and out. We only wish we could have a boyfriend as crazy about us as Seth is for Summer.


Andy Dwyer is the ultimate boyfriend on Parks and Recreation. He loves showing the world just how lucky he is to be with April Ludgate, and he adores her despite (or perhaps because of) her strange quirks. What makes him so great is how spontaneous and playful he is with April.

He understands her wants and needs, and he works every day to fulfill April’s desires. That man is a class act. If you can find the Burt Macklin to your Janet Snakehole, hold on tight to that person because they are one of a kind.


We couldn’t make a list about most boyfriend worthy comedic characters without adding Jim Halpert to the list. What makes him so great is his dedication towards Pam Beasley as the woman of his dreams. He loves her for her character and personality rather than judging the receptionist by her appearance alone, which is something we greatly appreciate.

He and Pam are best friends and they love to spend their days at the office pulling elaborate pranks on their co-workers. Where can we find a partner who is as brilliant a prankster as Jim? (asking for a friend). Plus, it helps that his hair is so floppy and awesome and he writes love letters in teapots for Secret Santa. That definitely helps too.


Schmidt started off as a bit of a scumbag on New Girl who would constantly be forced to fill up the “douchebag jar”. Although he was always making us laugh, he was pretty self-absorbed and a bit of a ladies man as well.

Yet as the series progressed, so did his feelings for Cece as the love of his life. He proved himself to be a terrific boyfriend as well as an amazing husband to the woman of his dreams. Schmidt bent over backwards trying to sweep Cece off her feet, and we must say, we have been swept away as well.


Let’s be honest. We would be lucky to have a guy as strange and as hilarious as Lincoln in our lives. He is quite the oddball and he still is torn up about Amy Winehouse’s death. Now that right there is all you can really ask for in a man!

Lincoln is in love with Ilana and he sticks by her side even when he wants monogamy and she doesn’t. They do end up making it work for a period though, and they make one of the best couples on TV. There is no drama in their relationship, just pure excitement, and fun.


Kev Ball is the dream boyfriend on Shameless. He is fully committed to V and he is absolutely crazy about her. These two are simply adorable together because they accept each other fully and they feel safe and at home with one another.

Kev is always coming up with little ways to make V smile and he worships her throughout the entire series. He will do just about anything for his dream woman and this is something we all hope to find one day. While all the other relationships around them fall apart, these two never stop believing in their relationship as well as their love for one another.


Mickey Milkovich starts off in the series as a character who is rather terrifying. He is violent and cruel, and certainly not the type of person who you would be quick to call “boyfriend material”. Although in the first handful of seasons we see him sharpening his knives and beating up anyone who gets in his way, we are fascinated to discover how amazing and gentle of a boyfriend he is to Ian.

This is especially apparent when Ian is struggling with his mental health, and Mickey does everything he possibly can to protect his man from harm’s way.  Who knew that such a tough guy could actually be a total sweetheart?


It is pretty much mutually agreed upon throughout the Modern Family fandom that Andy was the best romantic match for Haley throughout the series. Haley was often choosing guys who were not right for her, yet she would continue to go for them because that is what she believed she deserved.

Andy, played by Adam Devine, was a great person to Haley and he treated her with a kind of respect and consideration that she had never experienced before. Unfortunately, these two tragically did not end up together, and we’re still not over it because Andy was the perfect man for Haley.


Ted Mosby is all over the place on How I Met Your Mother. He is desperate to find true love and although he is not always perfect when it comes to his romantic pursuits, he never gives up his one true desire: to be with the love of his life.

His whole existence revolves around finding “the one” and it’s nice to see a man on TV who desires a relationship and commitment above all else. He is willing to steal a blue french horn for the woman of his dreams and he just wants to make her happy even if she doesn’t belong to him. At the end of the day, despite his flaws, he would make a great boyfriend.


Although This is Us isn’t much of a comedy, Randall is a hilarious character on the show as well as the ultimate husband to Beth. These two are a match made in heaven and one of the reasons they are so great together is because Randall is such a loving, giving partner.

He is fully committed to Beth and his love for her never falters. Randall realizes how amazing his wife is and he always finds little ways to show her how much he loves and appreciates her. It is the ultimate relationship, and we’d be lucky to have someone like Randall as our partner.