Whether you’re skeptical that spirits really exist or you’ve had some firsthand experiences with ghosts, you can’t deny the entertainment value of the long-running reality series Long Island Medium. Theresa Caputo’s TV show has been airing on TLC since September 2011 and just began its 14th season.

Any popular TV series will lend itself super well to memes and this reality show fits right in since it’s about a subject that gets people feeling really passionate. Here are 10 Long Island Medium memes that are too hilarious for words.

Many People Probably Thought This

While of course divorce is no laughing matter and our hearts go out to Theresa and Larry, who got divorced officially at the end of 2018, no one can argue with the fact that many people probably asked this very same question.

This meme also brings up a good point: that people often confuse a medium with a psychic. While a medium can talk to people and relay messages from their deceased loved ones, a psychic is someone who can see the future. Although Theresa is a medium, that isn’t the same thing as predicting what’s about to happen.

Pretty Much

Skeptics and fans of Long Island Medium alike can relate to this meme which takes a lighthearted approach to the types of discussions Theresa has on the show. She definitely asks the person a lot of questions and while believers are all in, others wonder if she is just guessing. While some details seem spot-on, others are pretty vague and general.

This meme is too hilarious for words since it includes the beloved actor Gary Coleman from his days on the sitcom Diff’rent Strokes and it really feels like an accurate description of watching the show.

It’s Possible

This meme brings up a pretty interesting point: does Theresa need to do a whole bunch of readings before setting on one that is TV-worthy? It’s a fair point since reality shows involve hours upon hours of footage that is then edited and not everything is shown.

This guy’s shocked and confused expression makes this a pretty funny meme. Even the show’s biggest fans have probably wondered how much editing takes place.

Mean Girls Meets Long Island Medium

Okay, is there anything better than when two favorite parts of pop culture come together? This meme is too hilarious for words since it features one of the best quotes from Mean Girls with the Long Island Medium.

Everyone loves when Damian (Daniel Franzese) and Janis Ian (Lizzy Caplan) are talking about Gretchen Wieners (Lacey Chabert) and Janis says, “Gretchen Wieners knows everybody’s business, she knows everything about everyone.” Damian’s response is famous: “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.” Fans love Theresa’s hair, and it was only a matter of time before it became a meme.

Bring On The Tears

This Long Island Medium meme is too hilarious for words and really sums up the experience that we all have watching the show. There is never a dry eye in the house when this show is on TV.

We can totally picture Theresa telling us that we’re going to cry (or sob). And we don’t even mind. It’s honestly part of the whole deal. And the truth is that we cry a lot whether we’re uncertain about being able to talk to the dead or we think that it’s definitely possible. We can’t help but picture ourselves talking to the person that we’ve lost who we would really love to have just one more conversation with.

Happy Birthday, Nikki

Another funny meme based on Long Island Medium, this one brings up the point once again: do mediums know when it’s your birthday? Or any other details about you and your life? Or is that only the case if a relative who has passed away is telling them things about you?

We don’t really know the answers to those questions… and perhaps we never will. These things are so mysterious. But we do know that this is a hilarious meme.

The Future Of The Show

When we see this meme, we think about Theresa’s ex-husband Larry and feel pretty sad that their marriage is now over. They were a really cute couple and their relationship was a big part of the show.

Will the show feel different now that they’re divorced and it’s just Theresa? Time will tell. For now, we have this funny meme, which plays on the fact that, again, people definitely think that she’s psychic…

The SNL Meme

With a reality TV series as popular as Long Island Medium, it was only a matter of time before Saturday Night Live had a sketch about it. Theresa was played by none other than Kate McKinnon who is known for her talented portrayals of many real-life people.

The episode aired in 2012, and this meme brings back all those funny memories. People commented on how Kate McKinnon got Theresa’s New Jersey accent down perfectly.

Totally Necessary

For many of us, getting ghosted is something that we’ve all experienced but would really love to forget. We might not have any firsthand tales of seeing the spirit of a family member or even staying in a real-life haunted house. But we can talk about a date never texting us back.

This meme is another one that is too hilarious for words. We would really like this TV show to exist. It would be so great and it would be so easy to relate to. It’s not like we could say that these types of ghosts aren’t real, right? We’ve all gone through this.

Calling All Skeptics

So you’re not super sure that a medium really can talk to people who have passed and then tell their relatives what they have to say. Okay. That’s totally fair. Not everyone believes the same things.

But… even the biggest skeptics who are very realistic and don’t think that ghosts exist has to admit that they have teared up a few times watching Long Island Medium. It’s just the way that it goes sometimes. There you are, visiting family and they want to watch Theresa’s show. Before you know it, you’re totally bawling. No matter what you believe, it’s emotional and heartwarming to watch people get some closure about their loved ones.