While CSI: Crime Scene Investigation was typically pretty serious, especially while dealing with various grisly and gruesome murders, Gil Grissom and his gang (or the rest of the E Street Band, as Brass might say) have been known for plenty of pithy quips every now and then. The show never carried the dark gravitas as, say, Law and Order: SVU.

But it’s when fans make their own jokes about the show when it gets downright hysterical. Whether they’re making jabs about everything being bathed in blue light or designing goofy memes like these that only they would understand, they create an entirely new way to enjoy our favorite crime show.

No Ordinary Rock

This meme about an “ordinary rock” makes fans crack up because it’s a common theme used over and over again in CSI. This piece of dust, rope, plastic or potholder? Why, it’s the exact one that you can ONLY find at this location where the suspect happens to live, work or frequently pop by!

It’s so funny because it’s such a stretch. Without this CRUCIAL piece of insignificant gravel, we all know we’d have a cold case, and yet trace can not only analyze it within a one-hour episode but also use it to pinpoint the exact location of the suspect so we get a nice, tightly wrapped-up conclusion before the credits roll.

Fancy Bodies

CSI is famous for glamorizing its victims, who are often gorgeous people found in beautiful settings because, hey, it’s Las Vegas, and everything needs to sparkle like its part of the Strip itself. Why wouldn’t the team start using Christmas lights instead of chalk at crime scenes? It would work way better than the blue lights of the lab.

This meme is so funny because it mocks how fabulous so many victims look when in reality we know the scenes are much more brutal and downright sad. It’s a show, so they have to keep it a little upbeat, and they do show decay now and then (body farm, anyone?), but on average it’s too fabulous.

Grissom: The Early Years

Of course Gil Grissom would be enamored with insects as a child. How else would his love of entomology form? Griss is well-known for his huge insect collection, vast knowledge of bugs in general and conducting experiments that only the “bug man” would dream up, like using the decaying corpse of a pig to track insect colonization not once but twice in “Sex, Lies and Larvae,” a venture that not only helped them nail the suspect but also rendered his coworker/future wife a vegetarian.

Seeing him as a little kid, eagerly observing a bug this close, makes us laugh because it’s so true.

Mishandling The Evidence!

This CSI kitteh iz a cutie, but true fans are laughing so hard because he would be fired in a heartbeat for collecting evidence like this on the show. He’s cross-contaminating it with his own saliva, making it not only too compromised for a full analysis but inadmissible in court, as our favorite CSIs would tell us.

There have been plenty of episode arcs that followed the mishandling of evidence, whether it truly was tampered with or the CSIs were merely put on trial for doing their jobs by a defense attorney. Either way, this cat’s just not going to cut it on the night shift–or any shift, for that matter.

Custom CSI Characters

CSI was rarely boring, and the furry episode definitely had everyone paying attention. For many people, it was the first introduction to furries they’d ever had. CSI often did this, whether the concept was BDSM or something more scientific. Any fan can tell you a good five things they’d never heard of before CSI.

The reason this meme is so funny isn’t that it features a furry; it doesn’t mock the person at all. Instead, it presents CSI’s version of the Original Character From a Cutscene Meme, which is a funny meme from many a fandom. It makes us laugh because, in true CSI fashion, no extra characters were even necessary to make the meme.

Goo Goo Eye GSR

While fans were split between their love or hate for GSR, which not only stands for gunshot residue but also works for the title of the Sara/Grissom ship, none could deny that there was an attraction between the two since Jorja Fox’s first episode on the show. She was brought in for this complex dynamic that evolved over the years and, whether their student/teacher, subordinate/supervisor relationship was appropriate or not, they definitely ended up together.

Fans will laugh over this meme not only because Grissom definitely looked at Sara like that, but because he did it ALL THE TIME and claimed to not know what to do about it. For years.

Gil’s Gallows Gaffs

While there’s a need for some humor among the dark scenes that we see on the show, Grissom, who is already often awkward around people, is known for making terrible jokes at crime scenes. If there’s a body, Grissom is there to quote pop culture, citing Shakespeare or quip some dumb pun about the situation that would be taken as a completely callous move by the victim’s family.

It’s like nursing or working as an emergency operator: you have to get rid of that stress somehow. So we get it, and while it makes this meme so funny, Griss needs to keep those one-liners away from the families and the press.

Right In Front Of Them

When Grissom and Sara’s relationship was finally revealed when Sara was kidnapped and Gil admitted she was the most important person to him, shock waves shook the lab. When did this happen? How did they all not know? Everyone looked confused… except everyone else on the planet, including this random guy.

This meme makes us laugh so hard because this team of trained investigators who debunk lies and analyze evidence to solve crimes for a living couldn’t even figure out that their coworkers were an item, even after all of those years of flirting. Maybe some continuing education credits are needed here.

The Evidence Never Lies

While this meme is downright silly, it also makes us laugh because if it’s true that the evidence never lies, which is what Grissom is known to profess, and that this is, indeed, evidence… how the heck did this family die holding hands and smiling? Our money is on the grape kool-aid.

Obviously this isn’t real evidence, but the idea of using kids’ artwork as evidence isn’t a joke: it’s often utilized in the show to pinpoint how a child is reacting to something they can’t express with words. So while the whole meme is hilarious, we could make the case for it using… what else? The evidence.

Grissom, The Bard

Do all crime scene investigators walk around randomly quoting Shakespeare at scenes? When Grissom does it, we sort of swoon… before we say hey, wait a minute, aren’t you a scientist? Aren’t you supposed to be collecting evidence? Why are you quoting Othello right now?

Then there’s the fact that this meme makes it sound like not only does Griss know every single line by line number, but he also attributes something as common as the word “No” to Hamlet. The whole scenario is hilarious and makes us yearn for a CSI spoof where every word Grissom says is something boring that’s still a quote, just for laughs.